Elena is Dancing for Africa

For one night only Im hitting the dance floor - STRICTLY FOR AFRICA

Elena Sachs


raised of €1,000 goal



My Story

Hi all - I am taking myself out of my comfort zone and into the glitter and onto the dancefloor! Ill be dancing in Strictly for Africa on Saturday 9th June  - raising money for Gorta Self Help Africa as they assist farming communities access a better living. Gorta Self Help Africa's interventions are cutting edge - they are not about hand-outs, but believe in giving beneficiaries a hand up. It makes most sense to invest in agricultural communities in Africa  - it enables people to work their way out of poverty. It is a simple format - help a household become food secure by smart farming and then crucially assist with access to markets - selling surplus produce will mean an income, which in turn will mean access to education & health care and breaking the cycle of poverty. Id really appreciate it if you could make a donation. Thank you - Elena Sachs.

Charity supported

Self Help Africa is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty in rural Africa.

Top Altruists

  • €20
    Aoife Ni Raifeartaigh

  • €20

Full list of Altruists


raised of €1,000 goal

