St. Laurence’s BNS

St. Laurence’s BNS, Stillorgan, is a primary school of all denominations that aims to promote the development of the child as a whole

Education - Ireland
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2025 PLAN


raised of €10,000 goal



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  1. The Parents Association hopes to raise sufficient funds to go towards essential upgrades to both the technology & building resources within the school. We are living in unprecedented times and our normal fundraising activities such as cake sales and table quizzes unfortunately could not take place in 2020 nor will they be able to take place in 2021. The Parents Association intend on hosting a virtual Trek to Tokyo 2021. We are calling on all parents, students, both past & present, teachers and the wider school community to come together and help raise much needed funds that our school requires to help provide the best education possible for our children.

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  2. We will continue to run our Green Code school initiative. St. Laurence's BNS was recently awarded a 7th Green Flag for Global Citizenship.

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  3. To continue supporting a variety teams in both hurling and football. All boys are invited to take part and train both before and after school. We encourage participation for enjoyment, skill development and working as part of a team.  St. Laurence’s is also represented in athletics and swimming.  

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2025 PLAN


raised of €10,000 goal



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Donations made here are eligible for a charity to reclaim in tax paid in Ireland