We work to harness the profile of sports personalities for anti- racism education and to promote intercultural activity.
Education - Ireland2025 PLAN
raised of €5,000 goal
Donations made here are eligible for a charity to reclaim in tax paid in Ireland
Racism can take many forms and affects thousands of people in Ireland today. There's the obvious everyday racism, where people are called names, abused and harassed. Then, there's the kind of racism that is more subtle. This is the kind of racism that makes it harder for people to get jobs or housing because of their colour, religion or nationality.
Our aim is to engage the public by raising awareness about racism, deliver high quality education programmes to youth in Ireland, and to develop and maintain relationships with sport organizations; multicultural and integration-focused organizations; and teachers, teachers unions, and schools.
Our programme of activities includes: - education workshops, training for educators, creative competition for schools & youth services, club welcome for refugees and football against racism in Europe.
As part of our Anti-Racism Online Awareness campaign we run an on-going online training session on the issue of racism and discrimination. This course is aimed at members of the football community with a second version tailored toward educators. You can take these courses on our website.
The Show Racism the Red Card education pack can be a useful aid in a range of subjects of the school curriculum and is available for both elementary and second level schools. We plan to continue to work with schools to stop racism in 2016.
Show Racism the Red Card requires volunteers to help build the message of the project. Our volunteer policy broadly outlines how we see the role of volunteers in our organisation. Currently we are looking for campaign, media and fundraising volunteers.