We provide free, professional one-to-one therapy to people in suicidal distress, engaging in self-harm, and bereaved by suicide.
Human welfare - Ireland2025 PLAN
raised of €10,000 goal
Donations made here are eligible for a charity to reclaim in tax paid in Ireland
Thousands of people in Ireland experience suicidal thoughts or engage in self-harm and feel they have nowhere to go or no one to turn to.
In 2021, Pieta delivered over 48,000 hours of intervention and bereavement counselling. We received almost 100,000 crisis support calls and texts through our 24 freephone helpline and we directly supported over 600 households devastated by the loss of a loved one by suicide. Everything is free of charge and our staff are fully qualified, providing a professional one-to-one therapeutic service for people who are experiencing suicidal ideation, people who have attempted suicide and people who are engaging in self-harm. A doctor’s referral or a psychiatric report is not required., We now have 15 centres as well as 5 outreach centres around Ireland. We also operate a 24-hour helpline at 1800 247 247.
Darkness into Light is our flagship fundraising event which thousands of people in Ireland take part in every year and we hope 2022 will be even bigger.
In 2021, in excess of 5,000 people came to Pieta House suffering from suicidal ideation or engaging in self-harm. Our 180 therapists and staff provided vital, life-saving help for these people and we plan to continue this in 2022.
We plan to continue our research programmes in 2022. Researchers working with us at Pieta House are afforded a unique opportunity to better understand suicide and deliberate self-harm due to the generosity and willingness of our clients to share their experiences.