To promote the general education and personal development of young people in the Donegal area
Youth - Ireland2025 PLAN
raised of €0 goal
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Many young people do not have a safe place to go where they can have a sense of belonging, when they can have a positive relationship with adults and where people believe in them.
Donegal Youth Service is a countywide youth service with over 30 affiliated youth clubs and projects that provide drop-in facilities, programmes and services to young people all overDonegal, and we work with over 8000 young people annually. All young people are nurtured and supported to reach their full potential and take their place as valued members of a healthy society.
Donegal Youth Service can offer young people fun and interactive programmes that will promote and inform healthy lifestyle behaviours. Programmes can vary in duration from a session a week for 6-10 weeks, to half day one off session and can be accredited. They cover topics such as drug and alcohol awareness, socialising safely, healthy choices, personal development, sexual health awareness, mental health or healthy eating.
Teen Talk is a free and confidential one to one support service for young people aged 12-25 years. Young people experiencing difficulty in their life can avail of this support to help them cope with issues such as bullying, sexuality, family conflict, problems at 1school or friendship/relationship difficulties or anything else they may be struggling with.
BreakOut is a youth project focused on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people aged between 16 and 23 years. The project operates a weekly drop-in provision in Letterkenny and Ballybofey as well as training, information and one to onesupport. The aim of BreakOut is to ‘work for an Ireland where LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) young people are empowered to embrace their development and growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive social change in their own environment’