ActionAid works with the poorest women and children in the world, supporting them so that they can change their lives for good.
International impact - IrelandProjects
Community-Based Development
Working with communities, especially women, in Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Kenya and Uganda to help them lift themselves out of poverty through funding from Child Sponsors in Ireland. We know that supporting women in a community has a powerful effect on everybody, lifting up their children, their families and future generations. And so, our approach is to empower local women to take control over their own lives. In our programmes women decide what their priorities are and we support them to make change for themselves. We support them with education and training, for example: literacy; numeracy; work skills; leadership skills; and how to achieve their rights to healthcare, work and education.
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Women's Rights Programme
ActionAid Ireland runs a Women's Rights programme in Kenya, Ethiopia and Nepal. The programme is the second Irish funded multi-country women's rights programme. It commenced in 2012. The programme seeks to end violence against women and empower women and girls so they can begin to earn a living and break the cycle of poverty.
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Campaigning & Advocating
ActionAid will continue to tackle the structural causes of poverty through campaigning and advocacy, at regional, national and international levels.
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2024 PLAN
raised of €5,000 goal
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